Thursday, April 24, 2008

Centurion Branch Diary 2008

Diary 2008 (Word Document)

Welcome Everyone!

We have just created our very own blog for the Centurion branch of the WSSA!

Many of you will no doubt ask: "So what is a blog?" Well, a blog is exactly like a website, but the content is more personal - like an online diary. The most important difference between a blog and a website is that you, the reader, has the ability to leave comments and let us know what you think about the articles, or rather "posts" as you call them on a blog. If you want to know more about the technical side of a blog, you can get more information at

What a fun idea to keep in contact and share our watercolour knowledge! We can also use this space to show potential new members what we are doing at our branch.
So please, don't be shy - let us know about all the wonderful, exciting ideas that you have for us!

Just click on the word "comments" below and your browser will take you to a new screen where you can send us your thoughts.